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Machine Learning & Containerization On AWS
Introduction video (2:38)
Project architecture explained (2:06)
Twitter API - replacement
The Guardian API
RDS Database & S3 Setup
Relational DB (1:25)
RDS setup (2:37)
Setting VPC inbound rules for internet access (2:12)
PG Admin installation & S3 config (4:05)
NLP Lambda function
Lambda intro & IAM setup (3:11)
Create Lambda function (1:24)
The Lambda function code explained (8:22)
Insert the code into your Lambda function (0:56)
Add layers to Lambda from Klayers (5:32)
Create & configure custom layers for twython & psycopg2 (4:40)
Test Lambda & set environment variables (4:53)
Schedule your Lambda with Event Bridge (3:15)
Dependency management & Streamlit app
Setup virtual conda environment (4:07)
Poetry dependency installs & run Streamlit UI locally (5:57)
Streamlit app code explained (7:52)
Streamlit Visualization - ECS Deployment
Setup container registry ECR (1:52)
AWS CLI install and ECR login (5:19)
Dockerfile explained, Docker image build & push image to ECR (2:52)
Create ECS Fargate cluster (1:34)
ECS task IAM configuration & Streamlit task creation (4:59)
Fixing the ECS task (5:14)
Stopping the task on ECS after you are finished (0:59)
Conclusion & outlook (5:06)
RDS setup
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